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My career possibilities

Current job market

We are currently evaluating all previous job advertisements for biologists on a popular web portal. What we can already say: far more than half (62%) of the job ads require at least one quantitative skill that is not taught in traditional biology courses.

Career prospects

Quantitative skills - mathematical modelling, data science, bioinformatics - are of central importance in modern biological and biomedical research, yet play at most a marginal role in traditional biology programmes. The international, interdisciplinary bachelor's programme in Quantitative Biology integrates biological and quantitative-analytical elements in equal measure. Thus, a large field of professional opportunities for QuantBio graduates is research and development in the life science and health sectors, be it in industry, public research institutions, or academia.

But quantitative skills are not only important in research - they play an important role in practically all fields. Thus, many other fields are open to QuantBio graduates, such as environmental biology, pharmaceutical industry, hygiene, or water management.

If you want to continue with a master's degree, then QuantBio qualifies you not only for programmes in biology, but also, for example, for a Master in "Molecular Biomedicine", "Translational Neuroscience", "Industrial Pharmacy", and "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science" at HHU. After the 4-year variant (QuantBio+), you can additionally apply for 1-year master's programmes or directly pursue a suitable doctoral programme, such as in the CEPLAS graduate school.